Let "p" represent 'the area of rectangle ABCD is 50 square inches'. Let "q" represent 'the perimeter of rectangle ABCD is 30 inches'. Let "r" represent "the length of rectangle ABCD is twice the width"

My question:

use symbols to represent the collowing conjunction: The area of rectangle ABCD is 50 square inches and its length is not twice its width.

a. p^ ~ q
b. p\/ ~ q
c. ~p^ ~ q
d. ~ p\/ ~ q

I forgot what the symbols meant!

No worries! Here is a brief explanation of the symbols:

- "^" represents the conjunction "and" between two statements. For example, "p ^ q" represents both statements p and q being true simultaneously.
- "v" represents the disjunction "or" between two statements. For example, "p v q" means either p or q (or both) is true.
- "~" represents the negation "not" of a statement. For example, "~p" means the opposite of p.

Now let's break down the given statement and represent it using the symbols:

"The area of rectangle ABCD is 50 square inches and its length is not twice its width."

- The area of rectangle ABCD is 50 square inches (p).
- Its length is not twice its width (~r).

To represent the conjunction "and", we use the symbol "^". Therefore, the conjunction of p and ~r would be "p ^ ~r".

So, the answer to your question is:
The symbols that represent the given conjunction "The area of rectangle ABCD is 50 square inches and its length is not twice its width" is "p ^ ~r".

Therefore, the correct option would be a) p ^ ~q.