Can someone please write an epigram for me?!?!

2-4 lines
witty last line
simple (I have to translate it into Latin)

This site may give you some ideas.

Certainly! Here's a simple method to create an epigram:

Step 1: Choose a subject or theme that you would like the epigram to revolve around. It could be anything from love to friendship, life to nature.

Step 2: Brainstorm a list of words or phrases related to your chosen subject. Think about the emotions or ideas you want to convey.

Step 3: Experiment with different word combinations and play with the structure of the lines. Keep it concise and try to capture the essence of your chosen subject.

Step 4: For the witty last line, think of a twist, clever wordplay, or an unexpected ending that will provoke a smile or reflection.

Now, armed with these steps, you can create your own epigram! Once you have finalized it, feel free to share it here for me to translate into Latin for you.