Shania bought a new computer for 1,550 from computer 'r' us. If the value of the computer depreciates at a rate of 5.35%per year, when will the value of the computer reach 825 ?

you want t such that

1550 * .9465^t = 825

To find out when the value of the computer will reach $825, we need to calculate how many years it will take for the computer to depreciate from $1,550 to $825 at a rate of 5.35% per year.

Let's break down the steps on how to calculate this:

Step 1: Calculate the annual depreciation.
To calculate the annual depreciation, multiply the initial value of the computer ($1,550) by the depreciation rate (5.35% or 0.0535):
Annual depreciation = initial value * depreciation rate
Annual depreciation = $1,550 * 0.0535

Step 2: Calculate the time (in years) it takes for the value to reach $825.
Subtract the final value ($825) from the initial value ($1,550), and divide the result by the annual depreciation:
Time (in years) = (final value - initial value) / annual depreciation
Time (in years) = ($825 - $1,550) / (annual depreciation)

By substituting the values, we can find the answer:

Time (in years) = ($825 - $1,550) / ($1,550 * 0.0535)

Calculating this expression will give us the number of years it takes for the computer's value to reach $825.