Stacy earns $12.50 an hour at her job. She wants to earn at least $390. Write an inequality hat represents all of the possible numbers of hours (h) that she could work to make at least $390.

12.5h >= 390

Let's represent the possible number of hours Stacy could work as "h". Since she earns $12.50 per hour, we can calculate her total earnings by multiplying the number of hours worked by the hourly rate.

To represent the inequality, we use the following formula:

12.50h ≥ 390

This inequality states that Stacy's total earnings (12.50h) should be greater than or equal to $390 in order for her to reach her goal.

To write an inequality representing all the possible numbers of hours that Stacy could work to earn at least $390, we can use the following information:

- Stacy earns $12.50 per hour.
- She wants to earn at least $390.

Let's assume the number of hours Stacy works is represented by 'h'.

To find the amount of money she earns based on the hours worked, we can multiply the hourly rate ($12.50) by the number of hours (h). This can be represented as:

Money earned = $12.50 * h

Since Stacy wants to earn at least $390, we can write an inequality:

$12.50 * h ≥ $390

Therefore, the inequality representing all the possible numbers of hours that Stacy could work is:

12.5h ≥ 390