If 5cosA+3=0 and 180(degrees)<A<360(degrees)


1. Tan^2A
2. SinA over cosA

This is the third time you've posted this question. See the related questions below. What seems to be the trouble?


The answer is 0.086875.

To determine the values of Tan^2A and SinA/CosA, we first need to find the value of A that satisfies the given equation 5cosA + 3 = 0 and the restrictions 180° < A < 360°.

Let's solve the equation 5cosA + 3 = 0:

1. Subtract 3 from both sides:
5cosA = -3

2. Divide both sides by 5:
cosA = -3/5

Now, we can find the value of A by taking the inverse cosine (cos⁻¹) of -3/5.

3. Use a calculator to find the inverse cosine of -3/5:
A ≈ cos⁻¹(-3/5) ≈ 143.13°

Note that the inverse cosine function only returns values between 0° and 180°, so we need to determine if A lies in the desired range of 180° < A < 360°.

4. Since A ≈ 143.13° is less than 180°, we need to find the angle in the second quadrant that has the same cosine value. This is done by subtracting the angle from 180°:
180° - 143.13° ≈ 36.87°

Therefore, we have two possible solutions for A: A ≈ 143.13° and A ≈ 36.87°.

Now, let's calculate Tan^2A and SinA/CosA for each solution:

1. Tan^2A:
For the first solution, A ≈ 143.13°:
- Calculate the tangent of 143.13°:
tan(143.13°) ≈ 1.106
- Square the tangent value:
1.106^2 ≈ 1.225

For the second solution, A ≈ 36.87°:
- Calculate the tangent of 36.87°:
tan(36.87°) ≈ 0.753
- Square the tangent value:
0.753^2 ≈ 0.566

Therefore, the values of Tan^2A for the given equation are approximately 1.225 and 0.566.

2. SinA/CosA:
For the first solution, A ≈ 143.13°:
- Calculate the sine of 143.13°:
sin(143.13°) ≈ -0.787
- Calculate the cosine of 143.13°:
cos(143.13°) ≈ -0.617
- Divide the sine by the cosine:
(-0.787) / (-0.617) ≈ 1.275

For the second solution, A ≈ 36.87°:
- Calculate the sine of 36.87°:
sin(36.87°) ≈ 0.598
- Calculate the cosine of 36.87°:
cos(36.87°) ≈ 0.802
- Divide the sine by the cosine:
(0.598) / (0.802) ≈ 0.745

Therefore, the values of SinA/CosA for the given equation are approximately 1.275 and 0.745.