If n represents the amount of songs stored on an MP3 player , analyze the meaning of the expressions n + 7, n - 2 , 4 n and n \2

7 more, 2 less, 4 times, half of

To analyze the meaning of the expressions, we need to understand how each expression is computed and what they represent in the context of songs stored on an MP3 player.

1. n + 7: This expression represents adding 7 to the number of songs (n) stored on the MP3 player. It means increasing the original number of songs by 7.

2. n - 2: This expression represents subtracting 2 from the number of songs (n) stored on the MP3 player. It means reducing the original number of songs by 2.

3. 4n: This expression represents multiplying the number of songs (n) stored on the MP3 player by 4. It means multiplying the original number of songs by 4.

4. n / 2: This expression represents dividing the number of songs (n) stored on the MP3 player by 2. It means finding half the original number of songs.

To summarize:

- n + 7 increases the number of songs by 7.
- n - 2 decreases the number of songs by 2.
- 4n multiplies the number of songs by 4.
- n / 2 finds half the number of songs.