What is the product of the complex numbers (-3i+4) and (3i+4)?

I've forgotten how to do this...

FOIL the two binomials

To find the product of complex numbers, you can use the distributive property just like you would with real numbers. Here is how you can solve this problem step-by-step:

Step 1: Given complex numbers: (-3i+4) and (3i+4).

Step 2: Multiply the two complex numbers:
(-3i+4) * (3i+4)
= -3i * 3i + (-3i) * 4 + 4 * 3i + 4 * 4
= -9i^2 - 12i + 12i + 16
= -9(-1) + 16
= 9 + 16
= 25

Step 3: Simplify the result.
The product of the complex numbers (-3i+4) and (3i+4) is 25.

In this case, the product is a real number (25), not a complex number, because the imaginary terms (-3i) and (3i) cancel each other out.