17. The requirements for libel detailed in New York Times v. Sullivan protect which principle? (1 point)

equal protection of the law
right to criticize the government
separation of church and state
judicial review

as i'm researching i see protection a lot. so My answer is a?

I agree.

Thank you so much!

You are very welcome.

Yes, your answer is correct. The requirements for libel detailed in New York Times v. Sullivan protect the right to criticize the government. The New York Times v. Sullivan case set a higher standard of proof for public officials to prove defamation or libel. In this case, the Supreme Court held that for public officials to successfully bring a defamation claim, they must prove that false statements were made with "actual malice," meaning with knowledge of their falsity or with reckless disregard for the truth. This ruling expanded the protection given to speech critical of public officials and reaffirmed the importance of the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech and press.