What are the like terms in this expression?

9a - 3b + 4ab
A) 9a and -3b
B) 9a and 4ab
C) 9a, -3b, and 4ab
D) no like terms
I think it is d.

Right, d.

Ms. Sue I apologized of what happened. My brother is R2d2 and he forgot to change my name to his and, I had seen that he was a little frustrated that you said that he plagiarized someone else work.

Thanks for clarifying this. Anytime anyone copies someone else's words and doesn't cite the source, it's plagiarism. He could have said that he copied it from Fact Monster. He didn't need access for that.

To identify like terms in an algebraic expression, we need to look for terms that have the same variables raised to the same powers. In the expression 9a - 3b + 4ab, we can see the following terms:

1) 9a: This term has the variable "a" raised to the power of 1.
2) -3b: This term has the variable "b" raised to the power of 1.
3) 4ab: This term has the variables "a" and "b" raised to the powers of 1 each.

Since all three terms have different variables or different powers, there are no like terms in the expression. Therefore, the correct answer is D) no like terms.