what is 8,903.045 in 100s place

To find the digit in the hundreds place of the number 8,903.045, we first need to understand the place value system.

The place value system organizes numbers into units, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. Each digit in a number holds a place value position. The position of the digit determines its value relative to the other digits in the number.

In the case of 8,903.045, the hundreds place is the third digit to the left of the decimal point. So, to determine the digit in the hundreds place, we count three digits from the left side of the decimal point.

Let's break down the number:

- The digit in the thousands place is 8.
- The digit in the hundreds place is 9. (This is the digit we are looking for.)
- The digit in the tens place is 0.
- The digit in the ones (or units) place is 3.
- Since the decimal point separates the ones place and the tenths place, the digit in the tenths place is 0.
- The digit in the hundredths place is 4.
- The digit in the thousandths place is 5.

Therefore, the digit in the hundreds place of 8,903.045 is 9.