In a state legislature there were 119 more members in the House of Representatives than in senate. If there were m members in senate, write an expression to represent the totial members in the state legislature. PLZ HELP!!!!!

m + 119

To find the total number of members in the state legislature, we have to add the number of members in the House of Representatives to the number of members in the Senate.

Let's say there were m members in the Senate. According to the given information, the House of Representatives had 119 more members than the Senate. Therefore, the number of members in the House of Representatives can be represented as (m + 119).

Adding the number of members in the Senate (m) to the number of members in the House of Representatives (m + 119) will give us the expression for the total number of members in the state legislature:

Total members in the state legislature = m + (m + 119)

Simplifying the expression:

Total members in the state legislature = 2m + 119