I'm having trouble finding a solid answer to this question:

Do psychoanalysts-to-be have to be psychoanalyzed by someone already practicing, or do they just analyze themselves as part of their training?

From the Internet:

It may take as many as four years of training in a psychoanalysis program, on top of the time required to get a doctoral degree, to become a psychoanalytic psychologist. Students in a psychoanalysis program attend classes, participate in supervised clinical sessions, and may even undergo a personal psychoanalysis of their own. Psychoanalytical training is meant to enhance a practicing psychologist?s therapeutic techniques.

Thank you, PsyDAG

To find a solid answer to your question about whether psychoanalysts-to-be have to be psychoanalyzed by someone already practicing or analyze themselves as part of their training, you can follow these steps:

1. Consult Accredited Training Programs: Start by researching accredited training programs for psychoanalysis. Accredited programs typically have specific requirements and guidelines for trainees. You can check the websites of professional organizations like the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) or the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) to find reliable information.

2. Review Program Requirements: Look for information regarding the training requirements listed by accredited programs. Most programs require trainees to undergo their own personal psychoanalysis. This involves being analyzed by a qualified and experienced psychoanalyst who is already practicing. It is a fundamental element of training to understand and experience the process from the perspective of being an analysand.

3. Contact Training Programs: If you need further clarification or specific details, consider reaching out to the accredited training programs directly. They will be able to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information about their requirements. You can inquire about whether self-analysis is included in the training process or if it is exclusively done through analysis with a practicing psychoanalyst.

Remember, the exact requirements may vary between different training programs and locations. Therefore, it is essential to gather information specific to your region and the programs you are interested in.