why do learners stop their studies and fall in their first year of studies at college or universities?


There could be several reasons why learners stop their studies and fall in their first year of college or universities. Some of the common reasons include lack of academic preparation, financial difficulties, personal issues, and mismatched expectations. Let's explore these reasons in more detail:

1. Lack of academic preparation: Many students struggle in their first year because they are not adequately prepared for the demands of higher education. This can be due to a lack of study skills, weak academic foundation, or insufficient knowledge of the subject matter. To overcome this, it is important for learners to develop effective study habits, seek help when needed (such as tutoring or academic support services), and take advantage of resources like textbooks, online courses, or study groups.

2. Financial difficulties: Financial constraints can force some learners to drop out of college or university. Tuition fees, textbooks, housing, and other expenses can be overwhelming, especially for those who do not have access to scholarships, grants, or financial aid. To address this, learners can evaluate their financial situation early on, explore available financial assistance options, and create a budget to manage their expenses effectively. They can also consider part-time work or applying for student loans if necessary.

3. Personal issues: Personal issues such as health problems, family responsibilities, relationship issues, or mental health concerns can significantly impact a learner's ability to succeed in college. Balancing personal challenges with academic commitments can be difficult, and students may decide to prioritize their personal well-being over their studies. Students should prioritize self-care and seek support through campus counseling services, student support organizations, or family and friends if they are facing personal difficulties.

4. Mismatched expectations: Sometimes learners may find that their college or university experience does not match their expectations. This can include feeling isolated, not connecting with classmates or professors, or realizing that the chosen field of study is not a good fit. It is important for students to research and visit potential institutions beforehand, engage with the campus community, and consider internships or volunteer work to gain a better understanding of their chosen field. If a student feels a major or institution is not the right fit, they should consider exploring other options or seeking guidance from academic advisors.

In conclusion, learners may stop their studies and fall in their first year of college or universities due to a variety of reasons such as lack of academic preparation, financial difficulties, personal issues, and mismatched expectations. By identifying and addressing these challenges, learners can increase their chances of academic success and overall satisfaction in their educational journey.