1. Study the words Rowan uses in describing Miss Bessie. Which words have the most


To identify the words used by Rowan that have the most impact in describing Miss Bessie, we can analyze the text provided. However, without the specific text or a context provided, it is not possible to determine the words Rowan uses to describe Miss Bessie. Please provide more information or the specific text you are referring to so that I can assist you better.

To determine which words have the most impact in Rowan's description of Miss Bessie, we can follow these steps:

1. Read the text carefully: Start by reading the passage about Miss Bessie's description in Rowan's writing.
2. Identify descriptive words: Look for words that are used to describe Miss Bessie. They might include adjectives or other descriptive language.
3. Consider the context: Pay attention to the context in which these words are used. Think about how they contribute to the overall impression of Miss Bessie.
4. Evaluate emotional impact: Determine which words evoke strong emotions or create vivid mental images. These are likely to have the most impact.
5. Note subjective judgment: Keep in mind that the impact of words can be subjective and might vary from reader to reader based on their personal experiences and perspectives.

By closely analyzing the text and considering the criteria mentioned above, you will be able to identify the words that have the most impact in Rowan's description of Miss Bessie.
