Which equation means three minus a number is equal to 7?

g – 3 = 7

7 – 3 = g

3 + g = 7

3 – g = 7

I'll be glad to check your answer.

To find the equation that represents the statement "three minus a number is equal to seven," we need to identify the variable representing the unknown number and the correct mathematical operation.

Let's analyze each option:

A. g - 3 = 7:
This equation does not represent "three minus a number is equal to seven" because the number is being subtracted from the variable g, not the other way around.

B. 7 - 3 = g:
This equation also does not represent "three minus a number is equal to seven" because the number three is being subtracted from seven, not the other way around.

C. 3 + g = 7:
This equation represents "three plus a number is equal to seven," which is not what we are looking for.

D. 3 - g = 7:
This equation accurately represents "three minus a number is equal to seven." The number three is being subtracted from the variable g, which is what we need to solve the problem.

Therefore, the correct choice is option D.