I don't get this:

Arya makes cupcakes at a bakery. She needs 2 cups of sugar for every 3 cups of flour. She needs 5 cups of flour to make a day's worth of cupcakes.

How many cups of sugar will she need? (Round your answer to the nearest tenth.)

Can you please help?

You can use a proportion.

2/3 = x/5

Cross multiply and solve for x.


Of course! To solve this problem, we need to figure out the ratio of cups of sugar to cups of flour. In this case, Arya needs 2 cups of sugar for every 3 cups of flour.

Next, we need to determine how many cups of flour Arya needs to make a day's worth of cupcakes, which is given as 5 cups of flour.

To find out how many cups of sugar Arya needs, we can set up a proportion using the ratio we found earlier:

2 cups of sugar / 3 cups of flour = x cups of sugar / 5 cups of flour

We can cross-multiply and solve for "x", which represents the amount of sugar Arya needs:

2 cups of sugar * 5 cups of flour = 3 cups of flour * x cups of sugar

10 cups of sugar = 3x

Divide both sides by 3:

10 cups of sugar / 3 = x

Using a calculator, we can determine that the value of x is approximately 3.33 cups of sugar.

Therefore, Arya will need approximately 3.3 cups of sugar to make a day's worth of cupcakes.