Use the Hamilton method of Apportionment to make the assignment.

In a recent census, Iowa's population in thousands was 4,503, Illinois' was 8,220, and Indiana's was 5,300.

Allocate 31 members of the U.S. House of representatives to these three states.

Possible Answers:
Iowa: 11; Illinois: 12; Indiana: 8
Iowa: 9; Illinois: 14; Indiana: 8
Iowa: 8; Illinois: 14; Indiana: 9
Iowa: 7; Illinois: 16; Indiana: 8

Would the answer be C?


To find the answer using the Hamilton method of apportionment, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the priority values for each state.
To find the priority value for each state, divide its population by the geometric mean of the lower and upper quotas. The lower quota is the integer part of the total number of seats divided among the states, and the upper quota is the lower quota plus one.

For Iowa:
Lower Quota = 31 seats * (4503 / (4503 + 8220 + 5300)) = 6.152
Upper Quota = 7
Priority Value = 4503 / sqrt(6.152 * 7) = 9003.44

For Illinois:
Lower Quota = 31 seats * (8220 / (4503 + 8220 + 5300)) = 14.601
Upper Quota = 15
Priority Value = 8220 / sqrt(14.601 * 15) = 9010.84

For Indiana:
Lower Quota = 31 seats * (5300 / (4503 + 8220 + 5300)) = 9.247
Upper Quota = 10
Priority Value = 5300 / sqrt(9.247 * 10) = 9010.14

Step 2: Rank the states by their priority values in descending order.
1. Illinois - 9010.84
2. Indiana - 9010.14
3. Iowa - 9003.44

Step 3: Assign seats to each state in order of their priority values.
Assign seats starting from the state with the highest priority value until all seats are allocated. Round down the priority value for each seat assignment.

Illinois gets 14 seats (rounding down 9010.84),
Indiana gets 9 seats (rounding down 9010.14), and
Iowa gets 8 seats (rounding down 9003.44).

Therefore, the correct answer is:
Iowa: 8; Illinois: 14; Indiana: 9

So, the correct answer is not C, but rather Iowa: 8; Illinois: 14; Indiana: 9.