Austin collected 30 9/10 kilograms.Exactly 2/3 of the class was blue.what is the total amount of glass was blue?

Please clarify what you mean.

looks like a glass/class typo

2/3 of 30.9 kg

2 * 30.9/3 = ?

To find the total amount of glass that was blue, we need to multiply the number of glasses Austin collected by the fraction representing the proportion of blue glasses in the class.

First, let's convert the mixed number "30 9/10" kilograms into an improper fraction. We do this by multiplying the whole number (30) by the denominator of the fraction (10), then adding the numerator (9). This gives us:

30 * 10 = 300
300 + 9 = 309

So, Austin collected a total of 309/10 kilograms of glass.

Next, we need to calculate 2/3 of the class that was blue. To do this, we multiply the total amount of glass by the fraction representing the proportion of blue glasses:

(309/10) * (2/3)

To simplify this calculation, we can first multiply the numerators together (309 * 2), and then multiply the denominators (10 * 3):

(309 * 2) / (10 * 3)

Now let's calculate the numerator:

309 * 2 = 618

And the denominator:

10 * 3 = 30

So, the total amount of glass that was blue is 618/30 kilograms.

To further simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 6:

618 ÷ 6 = 103
30 ÷ 6 = 5

Therefore, the total amount of glass that was blue is 103/5 kilograms.