1.why is it necessary to make a pressure bandage for a bleeding injury a)to cover the wound so id does not get contaminated b)to create a barrier so the blood does not infect the rescuer

Incomplete. What are the other choices and what is YOUR answer?

the answer is c.

To make a pressure bandage for a bleeding injury, you need to follow these steps:

1. Start by cleaning your hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer to prevent any further contamination.

2. Examine the wound and check for any debris or foreign objects. If possible, gently remove any visible objects with clean tweezers or your fingers.

3. Apply direct pressure on the wound using a clean cloth, gauze, or your hands, preferably with gloves on. The pressure helps to slow down the bleeding.

4. Once the bleeding has slowed down, clean the wound with mild soap and water, or with an antiseptic solution if available. Gently pat it dry or use a clean cloth to avoid any infection.

5. Now, it's time to create a pressure bandage. Start by placing a sterile dressing or a clean cloth directly over the wound. The dressing should be larger than the wound to ensure full coverage.

6. Secure the dressing by wrapping a sterile gauze or a wide bandage around the wound. Make sure the bandage is snug but not too tight, as excessive pressure can hinder blood circulation.

7. Continue wrapping the bandage, spiraling it up or down (depending on the location of the wound) to cover the dressing completely. Make sure the bandage stays in place and doesn't slip off during movement.

Now, let's address the reasons why it is necessary to make a pressure bandage for a bleeding injury:

a) To cover the wound: A pressure bandage is essential to cover the wound and prevent it from getting contaminated. When left exposed, open wounds are more susceptible to infections from bacteria, dirt, or any other foreign substances in the environment. By covering the wound with a sterile dressing and securing it with a bandage, you create a protective barrier that reduces the risk of contamination.

b) To control bleeding: The primary purpose of a pressure bandage is to apply direct pressure on the wound, which helps to control bleeding. When pressure is applied, it helps to compress the blood vessels, reducing blood flow and slowing down the bleeding. By applying a pressure bandage, you assist in clot formation and minimize blood loss, which is crucial for the well-being of the injured person.

Remember, providing first aid in case of bleeding injuries is important, but seeking professional medical help is equally necessary to ensure proper treatment and prevent any complications.