Find the five-number summary of the following set of numbers. 337, 248, 157, 388, 248, 451, 271, 225, 310

First sort... 157,225,248,271,310,337,388,451.
the minimum = 157
the minimum = =271
the median = (271+310)/2= 290.5
the upper quartile=
can you please tell me if this problem is done correctly please. also having a problem with next equation can you please help me? Multiply. (4)(-3/2 ).

You can't have two minimums and 271 is not the maximum. Revise.

Upper quartile is (337 + 388)/2.

(4)(-3/2 ) = -12/2 = -6

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Find the five-number summary of the following set of numbers. 337, 248, 157, 388, 248, 451, 271, 225, 310

First sort... 157,225,248,271,310,337,388,451.
the minimum =157
the maximum = 628
the median=(271+310)/2=290.5
Upper quartile is (337 + 388)/2. = 337.5
Iam still confused can anyone help with the proccess please

Minimum = 157

Q1 = 236.5 because 236.5 is ½ way between the Minimum and the Median
Median = 271 because 271 is ½ way between the Minimum and the Maximum
Q3 = 362.5 because 362.5 is ½ way between the Maximum and the Median
Maximum = 451

Yes, the first part of your question is done correctly. To find the five-number summary, you need to sort the numbers in ascending order:

157, 225, 248, 248, 271, 310, 337, 388, 451

Then you can determine the five numbers:

1. Minimum: The smallest number is 157.
2. First Quartile (Q1): The median of the lower half of the data. In this case, (157, 225, 248). The median of this subset is 225.
3. Median (Q2): The middle number of the entire data set. In this case, it falls between 271 and 310. So, the median is (271 + 310) / 2 = 290.5.
4. Third Quartile (Q3): The median of the upper half of the data. In this case, (337, 388, 451). The median of this subset is 388.
5. Maximum: The largest number is 451.

Regarding the next equation, let's solve it:

To multiply (4)(-3/2), you can multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators:

4 * (-3) / 2 = -12 / 2 = -6

So, the answer to (4)(-3/2) is -6.