1. The idiom get inside the authors head means to

2. Base word of accusation

1. It means to understand the author's feelings, beliefs, and thoughts.

2. http://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/accusation

1. The idiom "get inside the author's head" means to try to understand or perceive the thoughts, feelings, or intentions of the writer.

2. The base word of "accusation" is "accuse."

1. The idiom "get inside the author's head" means to understand or empathize with the thoughts, emotions, and motivations of the author. It implies gaining insight into the author's perspective, writing style, and intention behind their work.

To further explain how to understand the meaning of this idiom:
- Break down the idiom: "get inside" means to gain access to or understand something on a deeper level, and "the author's head" refers to the author's mind or thoughts.
- Consider the context: The idiom is often used when discussing literature, writing analysis, or trying to interpret an author's intentions.
- Analyze the author's work: Read the author's writings, pay attention to their style, themes, and characters, and try to discern their perspective, motivations, and emotions through their words.
- Research the author: Learn about the author's background, experiences, and influences to gain insights into their mindset and how it may have influenced their work.
- Engage in critical thinking: Consider the historical, cultural, and social context in which the author wrote, and how it might have shaped their perspectives.
- Seek expert opinions: Discuss the author's work with others who have studied it or who are knowledgeable in the field of literature.

2. The base word of "accusation" is "accuse."

To explain how to determine the base word of a word like "accusation":
- Identify the main part of the word: In this case, the main part of the word is "accuse."
- Understand the meaning of the base word: Accuse means to claim or assert that someone has done something wrong or committed a crime.
- Look for any additional suffixes or prefixes: In the case of "accusation," the suffix "-tion" has been added to the base word "accuse."
- Understand the role of the suffix: The suffix "-tion" is often added to verbs to create nouns. In this case, it transforms "accuse" into "accusation," which refers to the act of accusing someone or the state of being accused.