It is 11:00am at 68W. Using Standard time, calculate the Line of Longitude at 6:00pm..

Help plz. Thanks so much

At 11 AM at longitude 68W (in Eastern Maritime Canada's Atlantic Time Zone), at 6 PM you would be 7 time zones (or about 105 degrees) to the east (37E) . This would correspond to central Europe and Morocco. There would not be just one line of longitude with this time; it would correspond to an entire time zone.

To calculate the line of longitude at 6:00 PM using standard time, you need to consider the time difference between 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM and convert it to degrees of longitude.

First, let's convert the time difference to hours. From 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM, there is a time difference of 7 hours.

Next, we need to convert the hours to degrees of longitude. Since the Earth rotates 360 degrees in 24 hours, we can calculate the number of degrees rotated in 1 hour:

360 degrees / 24 hours = 15 degrees per hour

Now, we can find the degrees of longitude for the time difference of 7 hours:

7 hours * 15 degrees per hour = 105 degrees

Therefore, to calculate the line of longitude at 6:00 PM from 68W, you need to add 105 degrees to the longitude.

68W + 105 degrees = 37E

So, the line of longitude at 6:00 PM would be 37E.

However, it's important to note that this calculation gives you an approximate line of longitude as time zones are usually set based on political boundaries rather than specific lines of longitude. Each time zone covers a range of longitudes.