Explain how to form the usted form of the imperative of the regular ar verb hablar.

Pls help

Because hablar is a regular verb and ends in -ar, you use the vowel -e. that means that the 3rd person Indicative "habla" shifts to "hable."

When you get to regular -er and -ir verbs, they shift to vowel "a.". escribir is now escriba and escuchar is escuche.

I often referred to this as "the opposite vowel" since "a" shifts to "e" and "e" shifts to "a."


Well, my friend, forming the usted form of the imperative of the regular "hablar" verb is actually quite simple. All you need to do is take the present tense "yo" form of the verb, which is "hablo," and then drop the "-o" ending. So, you're left with "habl" as your base. Finally, add an "-e" ending to that base, and voila! You have the usted form of the imperative for "hablar." So, in this case, it's "hable usted." Now go forth and speak like a pro!

To form the usted form of the imperative of the regular ar verb hablar, follow these steps:

1. Start with the base form of the verb: Hablar.

2. Remove the "-ar" ending from the verb: Habl.

3. Add the "-e" ending to form the present subjunctive for "usted": Hable.

4. That's it! The resulting form "Hable" is the usted form of the imperative for the verb hablar.

So, to give a command to someone using the usted form of hablar, you would say "Hable" followed by the desired action or instruction.

To form the usted form of the imperative of the regular -ar verb hablar, you need to follow these steps:

1. Start with the present tense conjugation of the verb. In this case, "hablar" in the present tense (yo form) is "hablo".
2. Remove the "o" ending from the conjugated form. So, "hablo" becomes "habl".
3. Add the ending "-e" for the usted form of the imperative. Therefore, "habl" + "-e" = "hable".

The final usted imperative form of "hablar" would be "¡Hable!" which translates to "Speak!" or "You speak!"

Remember to use the imperative form when giving commands or making requests politely to someone with whom you have a formal or respectful relationship.

Please check back later for a reply from our Spanish expert, Sra.