Carol has 8 3/4 yards of material. She needs to use 1/3 of the material to make a dress. How many yards of material will she need to make the dress?

(1/3) * (35/4) = 35/12 = 2 11/12 yards

Why do you multiply instead of dividing 8 3/4 by 1/3?

I feel like this is distubing

What is the answer

To find out how many yards of material Carol will need to make the dress, we need to multiply the total amount of material she has by the fraction representing the portion she needs to use.

First, let's convert the mixed number 8 3/4 into an improper fraction. To do this, multiply the whole number (8) by the denominator (4) and add the numerator (3). Then, write the result as the numerator alongside the original denominator:

8 * 4 + 3 = 35

So, Carol has 35/4 yards of material in total.

Now, we can multiply this by the fraction representing the portion she needs to use, which is 1/3:

(35/4) * (1/3) = (35 * 1) / (4 * 3) = 35/12

Therefore, Carol will need 35/12 yards of material to make the dress.