A river flows at the speed of v from west to east. How should a man who is at a point A of the southern bank of the river, which is d meters away from the river, and wants to reach a point B on the northern bank of the river, which is 2d meters away from the river, choose his path in order to reach the destination at the shortest time? Assume the width of the river to be d, the man to run at a speed of 3v and swim at the speed of v/3 in still water, and the points A and B on the same meridian.

Let the man run to point P, which is x meters upstream from the line AB. He swims across, being swept y meters downstream, and then runs to B.

We know that he is in the water for d/(v/3) = 3d/v seconds, so
y = 3d/v * v = 3d.

His path is thus

√(d^2+x^2) meters on land,
d meters in the water,
√((2d)^2+(x-3d)^2) meters on land to B

Now, dividing distance by speed, his time to travel is

t = 1/(3v) (√(d^2+x^2)+√((2d)^2+(x-3d)^2)) + 3d/v

Now, to find minimum time, we need dt/dx = 0.

Once you get dt/dx and simplify things a bit, you need to solve

x√(d^2+x^2)+(x-3d)√(4d^2+(x-3d)^2) = 0

I get x = 5d/3

To reach the destination at the shortest time, the man should take a path that minimizes both the distance he needs to swim and the distance he needs to run.

Let's analyze the options:

1. Directly swim across the river: In this case, the man would need to swim a distance of d meters. However, since the river is flowing at a speed of v, the man would also be carried downstream while swimming. The time taken to swim across the river would be given by t = d / (v/3 - v/3) = d / 0, which is undefined. Therefore, this option is not feasible.

2. Run along the bank until point C and then swim across the remaining distance: In this case, the man would run a distance of d meters until he reaches point C, which is d meters away from the river. He would then swim the remaining distance of d meters to reach point B. The time taken for running is given by t1 = d / (3v), and the time taken for swimming is given by t2 = d / (v/3 - v/3) = d / 0, which is undefined. Therefore, this option is not feasible.

3. Swim across the river upstream until point D and then run to point B: In this case, the man would swim against the current, which reduces his effective swimming speed. The time taken to swim upstream to point D is given by t1 = d / (v/3 + v). The distance he needs to run from point D to point B is 2d - d = d meters. The time taken for running is given by t2 = d / (3v). Therefore, the total time taken for this option is t = t1 + t2 = d / (v/3 + v) + d / (3v).

To determine which option is the fastest, we need to compare the total times for each option. Let's simplify the expressions:

Option 1: Undefined
Option 2: Undefined
Option 3: t = d / (v/3 + v) + d / (3v) = d(1/(v/3 + v) + 1/(3v)) = d(3/(v + 3v) + 1/(3v)) = d(3/(4v) + 1/(3v)) = d(9/(12v) + 4/(12v)) = d(13/(12v)).

As you can see, option 3 has a finite value, whereas options 1 and 2 are undefined. Therefore, the man should choose option 3 and swim upstream until point D, then run to point B.

Note: The result assumes that the man can maintain a constant speed while swimming and running and that the river's speed is constant across the width. In reality, other factors like currents may affect the optimal path selection.

To reach the destination in the shortest time, the man should choose a path that involves both running and swimming. Here's how he can do it:

1. Let's consider the time it takes for the man to run from point A to the river, cross it by swimming, and then run from the river to point B. This total time can be calculated as follows:

Time taken to run to the river: d / (3v) (distance / speed)
Time taken to swim across the river: d / (v/3) (distance / speed)
Time taken to run from the river to point B: d / (3v) (distance / speed)

2. The total time is the sum of these three time intervals:

Total Time = d / (3v) + d / (v/3) + d / (3v)

3. We can simplify the expression by finding a common denominator:

Total Time = (d * 3) / (3v) + (d * (v/3)) / (v/3) + (d * 3) / (3v)

Total Time = (3d) / (3v) + (d * 1) / (1) + (3d) / (3v)

Total Time = (3d) / (3v) + (d) + (3d) / (3v)

Total Time = (3d + 3d + 9d) / (3v)

Total Time = (15d) / (3v)

Total Time = 5d / v

4. Based on this calculation, we can see that the total time taken depends only on the ratio between the distance d and the speed v. The actual distances are irrelevant.

5. Therefore, to minimize the total time, the man should choose a path where the ratio d/v is minimized. In other words, he should choose a path that minimizes the fraction d/v.

6. Since the man is at point A on the southern bank and wants to reach point B on the northern bank, the shortest path would be a straight line perpendicular to the river. This is because the shortest distance between two points on the same meridian is a straight line.

7. Therefore, the man should run directly towards the river until he reaches it, then swim straight across, and finally run directly to point B on the northern bank. This path minimizes the time taken to reach the destination.