I have no clue of how to solve this. Help!!

Mesha leaves home at 9 am., bicycling ata rate of 24 mi/h. Two hours later, Jeffery leaves, driving at a rate of 48 mi/h.What time will Jeffery catch up with Mesha?

To solve this problem, we need to determine the time it takes for Jeffery to catch up with Mesha. To do that, we will calculate the time it takes for Mesha to travel before Jeffery starts driving at 48 mi/h.

Step 1: Determine the time Mesha has been cycling before Jeffery starts driving.
Mesha leaves home at 9 am, and Jeffery starts driving two hours later. Therefore, Mesha has been cycling for 2 hours.

Step 2: Calculate the distance Mesha has traveled.
Since Mesha is traveling at a rate of 24 mi/h, we can use the formula "distance = rate × time" to calculate the distance traveled.
Distance Mesha traveled = Rate × Time = 24 mi/h × 2 hours = 48 miles.

Step 3: Calculate the time it takes for Jeffery to catch up with Mesha.
Once Jeffery starts driving, both he and Mesha are traveling at the same rate. The distance Jeffery needs to cover to catch up with Mesha is 48 miles (the distance Mesha has already traveled). Since Jeffery's rate is 48 mi/h, we can use the formula "time = distance ÷ rate" to calculate the time.
Time Jeffery catches up with Mesha = Distance ÷ Rate = 48 miles ÷ 48 mi/h = 1 hour.

Step 4: Determine the time when Jeffery catches up with Mesha.
Jeffery starts driving two hours after Mesha, so we need to add the time it took for Jeffery to catch up with Mesha (1 hour) to the time when Mesha started (9 am).

Therefore, Jeffery catches up with Mesha at 9 am + 2 hours + 1 hour = 12 pm (noon).

So, Jeffery will catch up with Mesha at 12 pm.