How is genetic engineering similar to traditional plant breeding?

A) Both processes are used to produce desirable traits in crop plants.

B) Both processes involve only allowing certain individuals to breed in a population to enhance passing of certain traits to future generations.

I think the answer is A

Yes, you are correct. The answer is A) Both processes are used to produce desirable traits in crop plants.

Genetic engineering and traditional plant breeding are similar in that they both aim to produce crop plants with desirable traits. However, the methods used in each process are different.

In traditional plant breeding, desirable traits are achieved through selective breeding. This involves carefully selecting and crossing plants with desired characteristics to create offspring with those traits. The process relies on the natural variation present in a plant's genes and involves controlled pollination and subsequent generations of selection and crossbreeding.

On the other hand, genetic engineering involves modifying an organism's DNA in a laboratory setting. Scientists can introduce specific genes from one organism (even from different species) into the DNA of another organism to produce desired traits. This process allows for more precise control over the introduced traits.

So, while the methods differ, the ultimate goal of both genetic engineering and traditional plant breeding is to enhance the characteristics of crop plants for better yields, nutritional value, pest resistance, or other desirable traits.