1.Suppose that the function f(x) = 7x + 2 represents the number of cars that drive by in x minutes. How many cars will drive by in 10 minutes?

a. 27
b. 70**
c. 72
d. 90

2. Buses on your route runs every 11 minutes from 7:00am to 11:00am. You arrive at the bus stop at 8:18am. How long will you wait for a bus?

a. 1
b. 4
c. 7**
d. 10

1. 7(10)+2=72 c

2. idk


buses arrive at :
7:00, 7:11, 7:22, 7:33, 7:44, 7:55, 8:06, 8:17, 8:28
Ahhh you just missed the 8:17, so ......

d) 8:28 - 8:18 = 0:10

To answer these questions, we will substitute the given values into the given function and calculate the result.

1. For the first question, we are given the function f(x) = 7x + 2, where x represents the number of minutes. We need to find the number of cars that will drive by in 10 minutes.

To do this, we substitute x = 10 into the function:
f(10) = 7(10) + 2
= 70 + 2
= 72

Therefore, the number of cars that will drive by in 10 minutes is 72.

2. For the second question, we are given that buses on the route run every 11 minutes from 7:00am to 11:00am, and we arrive at the bus stop at 8:18am.

To find out how long we will wait for a bus, we need to calculate the time difference between our arrival time and the next bus arrival time.

Since the buses run every 11 minutes, we need to find how many minutes have elapsed from the last bus arrival time at or before our arrival time (8:18am).

To do this, we first calculate the number of minutes from 7:00am to 8:18am:
8:18am - 7:00am = 1 hour and 18 minutes = 78 minutes

Next, we calculate the remainder when dividing the elapsed time by 11 (since the buses run every 11 minutes):
Remainder = 78 minutes % 11 minutes = 1 minute

Therefore, we will wait for 1 minute for the next bus to arrive.

Thus, the correct answer is option c.