How many lines of symmetry does a square have?

B)2(I pick this answer)
Please help me

No, not B.*

Well I thought it was that of C. And I really originally thought that it was C.

To determine how many lines of symmetry a square has, we need to understand what a line of symmetry is. A line of symmetry is an imaginary line that divides a shape into two identical halves, which can be folded along that line.

Now, let's look at a square. A square is a four-sided polygon with all sides of equal length and all angles are right angles. Since a square has equal sides and equal angles, it has several lines of symmetry.

To find the number of lines of symmetry in a square, we can visualize the possible lines that we can draw within the square.

If you take a look at a square, you will notice that there are diagonals that can be drawn from one corner to the opposite corner. These diagonals will divide the square into two equal halves, making them lines of symmetry.

So, in total, a square has two lines of symmetry—one vertical line and one horizontal line—formed by its diagonals.

Therefore, based on the given options, the correct answer is B) 2.