Brian buys a package of one-inch square tiles. He wants to make a mosaic picture 5 inches long and 4 inches wide. Does he have enough tiles? If so, how many more will be left over?

How many tiles are in the package?


To determine if Brian has enough tiles, we need to calculate the total number of tiles he will need to cover the 5 by 4 inches area.

First, we calculate the total area of the mosaic picture:

Area = Length * Width = 5 inches * 4 inches = 20 square inches

Since each tile has an area of one square inch, Brian will need at least 20 tiles to cover the entire area.

Now we need to determine if Brian has enough tiles. Given that he buys tiles in packages of one-inch square tiles, we need to find out how many tiles are there in a package.

If we divide the total number of tiles needed (20 tiles) by the number of tiles in each package, it will give us the number of packages Brian needs to buy. However, we also need to consider if there will be any tiles left over.

Let's say a package has n tiles. Then the number of packages Brian needs to buy will be:

Number of packages = Total number of tiles needed / Number of tiles in each package

To find out if there are any tiles left over, we need to take the modulus (remainder) of the division:

Number of tiles left over = Total number of tiles needed % Number of tiles in each package

This will give us the remainder of the division, which represents the number of tiles that cannot fit into a complete package.

By applying these calculations, we can determine if Brian has enough tiles, and if so, how many more will be left over.