1. Are you happy with your school uniform?

2. Are you satisfied with your school uniform?

3. Are you happy related to your school uniform?

4. Are you happy because of your school uniform?
Does #1 mean #2? What about the other sentences? The meaning of 'with' is _____.

1 and 2 are fine, and yes they mean the same thing.

The word "with" is part of the idiom, to be happy with something (that is, to be happy about something). I'm not sure I can explain it!

3 and 4 are awkward, and I doubt they'd be used.

Yes, #1 ("Are you happy with your school uniform?") means the same as #2 ("Are you satisfied with your school uniform?"). Both sentences ask about satisfaction or happiness regarding one's school uniform.

#3 ("Are you happy related to your school uniform?") does not convey the same meaning as the previous sentences. It suggests a broader context of happiness related to the school uniform.

#4 ("Are you happy because of your school uniform?") focuses on the direct cause of happiness, attributing it to the school uniform.

In this context, "with" means being content or pleased in relation to something, in this case, the school uniform.

In this context, all four sentences are asking about your feelings towards your school uniform. However, there are slight differences in the phrasing and nuance.

1. "Are you happy with your school uniform?" - This sentence simply asks if you are pleased or content with your school uniform. It is a straightforward question about your opinion of the uniform.

2. "Are you satisfied with your school uniform?" - This sentence is similar to the first one but uses the word "satisfied" instead of "happy." It asks if the uniform meets your expectations or requirements.

3. "Are you happy related to your school uniform?" - This sentence is not grammatically correct, but if we assume it is asking about your overall happiness in relation to your school uniform, it could be interpreted as asking if your uniform contributes to your overall happiness or if it has any impact on your well-being.

4. "Are you happy because of your school uniform?" - This sentence specifically asks if your school uniform is the cause or reason for your happiness. It suggests that your uniform has positively affected your mood or well-being.

The word “with” in these sentences indicates the association or connection between your feelings and the school uniform. It shows that your happiness or satisfaction is linked to the uniform in some way.