4865 cubic feet out of 27000 cubic feet what is % completed

100(4865/27000) = 18.0185185185 %

To calculate the completed percentage, you need to determine the ratio of the completed value (4865 cubic feet) to the total value (27000 cubic feet) and then convert it to a percentage. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Calculate the ratio:
Ratio = Completed Value / Total Value
Ratio = 4865 cubic feet / 27000 cubic feet

Step 2: Simplify the ratio:
Ratio = (4865 / 27000)

Step 3: Convert the ratio to a percentage:
Percentage = Ratio x 100
Percentage = (4865 / 27000) x 100

Now, let's calculate it:

Percentage = (4865 / 27000) x 100
Percentage ≈ 18.02%

Therefore, approximately 18.02% of the task is completed.