Geo uaually drinks 36 ounces of water per day. He read that he should drink 64 ounces of water per day. If he starts drinking 64 ounces, what is the percent increase? Round to the nearest percent.

(64 - 36)/36 = ?

Multiply the decimal answer by 100 to get the percentage.



Lolz what is the answer

Fr does someone know the answer?

To find the percent increase in Geo's water intake, we can use the following formula:

Percent Increase = ((New Value - Original Value) / Original Value) * 100

In this case:
New Value = 64 ounces
Original Value = 36 ounces

Substituting the values into the formula:

Percent Increase = ((64 - 36) / 36) * 100

Simplifying the equation:

Percent Increase = (28 / 36) * 100

Calculating the division:

Percent Increase = 0.7777 * 100

Rounding the result to the nearest percent:

Percent Increase = 78%

Therefore, the percent increase in Geo's water intake is 78% (rounded to the nearest percent) if he starts drinking 64 ounces of water per day.