Predicted winner in an election for town mayor

Method C: Telephone 100 randomly-chosen voters who live in the town. 54 percent plan to vote for the incumbent mayor.
Method D: Telephone 70 people who have lived in the town for more than 25 years. 45 percent plan to vote for the incumbent mayor

Which method best represents the whole population of the town’s voters.

What do you think?

Yes, C.

To determine which method best represents the whole population of the town's voters, we need to consider the characteristics and representation of the sampled groups in each method.

Method C involved randomly selecting and calling 100 voters who live in the town. This method provides a representation of the overall population since it includes a larger sample size compared to Method D (70 vs. 100). Randomly selecting voters helps in reducing bias and provides a more diverse sample.

Method D involved calling 70 people who have lived in the town for more than 25 years. While this group may have a deeper understanding of the town's politics, it does not necessarily represent the entire population, as it excludes voters who have lived in the town for fewer than 25 years.

To assess which method best represents the whole population, we should consider the sample size and randomness of the two methods. Method C provides a larger and more diverse sample, making it more likely to capture a broader range of opinions in the town. Therefore, Method C is likely to be a better representation of the whole population of the town's voters in this case.

Method C? It's seems to be less biased since it's randomly chosen