A number divided by 5 gives 9 less than twice the number.Find the number.

n/5 = 2n-9

n = 10n - 45

45 = 9n

5 = n

x/5 = 2x-9

x = 10x - 45

45 = 9x

5 = x



What is simple equation

x/5 = 2x-9

x = 10x - 45

45 = 10x - x

45 = 9x

45/9 = x

5 = x

The sum of three consecutive numbers is 45.

14 15 16

To solve this problem, we can translate the given information into an equation.

Let's call the number we're trying to find "x".

The problem states that "A number divided by 5 gives 9 less than twice the number."

Translated into an equation, it becomes:

x/5 = 2x - 9

Now, let's solve for x by isolating it on one side of the equation.

Multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to eliminate the fraction:

5 * (x/5) = 5 * (2x - 9)

x = 10x - 45

To isolate the x term, subtract 10x from both sides of the equation:

x - 10x = -45

-9x = -45

Now, divide both sides of the equation by -9:

x = -45 / -9

x = 5

Therefore, the number we're looking for is 5.

I don't understand

Any easy way ??