Like the modernists, postmodern writers focused on subjective experience rather objective cultural norms A: Expressing or dealing with facts or condition as perceived without distortion by personal feelings prejudices or interpretations** B: Characteristic of or belonging to reality as perceived rather as independent of mind C: Characteristic of or belonging to the superficial world D: None of the above

Look up "subjective" here:

Then re-think.

The correct answer is A: Expressing or dealing with facts or condition as perceived without distortion by personal feelings prejudices or interpretations. Postmodern writers, like modernists, often focused on subjective experiences and individual perspectives, rather than adhering to objective cultural norms.

The correct answer is A: Expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the question and the options provided.

The question states that postmodern writers focused on subjective experience rather than objective cultural norms. Therefore, we are looking for an answer that aligns with this description.

Option A states that these writers express or deal with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations. This option indicates that the writers are focused on the objective reality as perceived, rather than being influenced by personal biases or interpretations. This aligns with the idea of focusing on subjective experience rather than objective cultural norms, making it the correct answer.

Option B is incorrect because it refers to reality as perceived, which may include both subjective and objective elements. However, postmodern writers specifically prioritize subjective experience over objective cultural norms.

Option C is incorrect because it refers to the superficial world, which is not directly related to the question or the focus of postmodern writers.

Option D is also incorrect because none of the options provided in the question match it.

Thus, the correct answer is A: Expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations.