I need some help on this function rule question.

8.) Find the function rule.
x: -2 -1 0 1 2
y: 9 4 -1 -6 -11

I'm having a really hard time figuring this out. Thnx

i dont get it ._.

When x increases by 1, y decreases by 5.

Oh ok, now I get it!Thank you so much Ms. Sue!

You're very welcome.

i don't get this

Can Ms Sue come back and explain this concept to us?

To find the function rule, we need to determine the relationship between the x-values and the corresponding y-values.

Let's start by examining the pattern between the x-values and the y-values:

x: -2 -1 0 1 2
y: 9 4 -1 -6 -11

From the given data, we can observe that for every x-value, the corresponding y-value is obtained by subtracting 5.

So, the function rule for this pattern can be expressed as: y = x - 5.

To verify this function rule, let's check it with the given x-values:

For x = -2, y = (-2) - 5 = -7
For x = -1, y = (-1) - 5 = -6
For x = 0, y = (0) - 5 = -5
For x = 1, y = (1) - 5 = -4
For x = 2, y = (2) - 5 = -3

These calculated y-values match the given y-values, confirming that the function rule y = x - 5 is correct.

Therefore, the function rule for this set of x and y-values is y = x - 5.