A prism is completely filled with 96 cubes that have edge length of 1/2 cm.

What is the volume of the prism?


My name isn't banana, and I don't have an answer, I feel like most here aren't serious. Please answer faster!

Cubes = Vp/Vc.

96 = Vp/(1/2)^3, Vp = (1/2)^3 * 96 =


A prism is completely filled with 96 cubes that have edge length of 1/2 cm.

What is the volume of the prism Help Need:)

To find the volume of the prism, we need to multiply the base area of the prism by its height.

Step 1: Find the base area of the prism
Since the prism is completely filled with small cubes, the base area of the prism will be the number of cubes in the base multiplied by the area of one cube.

Given that the edge length of each cube is 1/2 cm, the area of one cube can be found by multiplying the length of one side (1/2 cm) by itself:
Area of one cube = (1/2 cm) * (1/2 cm) = 1/4 cm^2

Given that there are 96 cubes in the base, the base area of the prism can be found by multiplying the number of cubes in the base by the area of one cube:
Base area of the prism = 96 cubes * (1/4 cm^2/cube) = 96/4 cm^2 = 24 cm^2

Step 2: Find the height of the prism
Since the prism is completely filled with cubes, the height of the prism is equal to the edge length of each cube.

Given that the edge length of each cube is 1/2 cm, the height of the prism is 1/2 cm.

Step 3: Calculate the volume of the prism
Now that we have the base area of the prism (24 cm^2) and the height of the prism (1/2 cm), we can calculate the volume of the prism by multiplying these two values:
Volume of prism = Base area * Height = 24 cm^2 * 1/2 cm = 12 cm^3

Therefore, the volume of the prism is 12 cubic centimeters.