+How was imperialism a cause of World War I?

A. Rivalry over overseas territories increased tensions in Europe.

B. Colonies' efforts to gain independence increased tensions in Europe.

C. Alliances among overseas territories increased tensions in Europe.

D. Efforts to stimulate trade increased tensions in European colonies.

My Answer: C

Hewwo, heres the answers UwU

1) B

2) C

3) C

4) A

5) B

6) D

7) C

8) A

9) B

10) D

11) A

12) B

13) B

14) B

15) A

16) A

17) B

18) C

19) B

UwU is 100% correct u6l5

No, not C.

Ok so since it wasn't C, my second choice would be A.

"Imperialism also divided European nations. In 1905 and again in 1911, competition for colonies brought France and Germany to the brink of war in Morocco, then under France' influence. Although diplomats kept the peace, Germany did gain some territory in central Africa. As a result of the two Moroccan crises, Britain and France strengthened their ties against Germany." - World History

A is correct. Competition is a synonym for rivalry.

Thank You

You're welcome. :)