What is the literature value for the partition coefficient for caffeine?

Looking for the coefficient in Methylene chloride and water, by the way.

Kd for caffeine is about 8 between methylene chloride and water was the only reference I could find. You can google it too and might find other numbers to confirm this.

To find the literature value for the partition coefficient of caffeine, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the term "partition coefficient of caffeine" on a search engine or scientific database such as PubMed or Scopus. These platforms contain literature from various scientific journals and publications.

2. Look for the relevant research articles, reviews, or book chapters that discuss the partition coefficient of caffeine. These sources often provide literature values or references to previous studies that have determined this value.

3. Once you have identified a suitable literature source, access the full text of the article or publication either through a subscription or by visiting a university library.

4. Carefully read the article or section that discusses the partition coefficient of caffeine. The partition coefficient is typically denoted as "log P" or "log D," which represents the logarithm of the ratio of the equilibrium concentrations of the compound between two immiscible solvents.

5. Take note of the reported literature value along with the corresponding units and any additional relevant information, such as the pH or temperature at which the measurement was conducted.

6. It is important to note that the literature values may vary depending on the specific experimental conditions, such as solvent system, pH, temperature, and technique used. Therefore, if you need a precise value for a specific condition, it is recommended to consult multiple sources and determine which value is most applicable to your situation.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the literature value for the partition coefficient of caffeine and understand the process of retrieving scientific information.