When plants grow toward sunlight they____

A. Live longer
B. Get more light
C. Get smaller
D. Die faster

And your answer is?

Without light plants will die.

It's natural for them to grow toward the sun, especially when they don't have enough sun.

I'm not sure what your teacher wants. What does your text say?

The correct answer is B. Get more light.

Plants have a natural tendency to grow toward sunlight, a process known as phototropism. This behavior allows plants to maximize their exposure to light, which is essential for photosynthesis - the process through which plants convert sunlight into energy.

To get the answer, you can recall that plants rely on sunlight as their source of energy and need it for photosynthesis. As a result, it wouldn't make sense for them to live longer or get smaller when growing toward sunlight, so options A and C can be eliminated. This leaves us with options B and D. Since sunlight is crucial for a plant's growth and survival, it is logical to assume that plants would indeed get more light when they grow toward it, making option B the correct answer.