if fred took a 40 N weight and dropped it from 10 meters. what would be the potential energy before he released it

a 400j
b 40 n-m
c 392 n-m
d 3920 j
e 4000 j

"help"? You've been chased up a tree by a wild boar and need someone to chase the pig away so you can get down? What is your school subject? What kind of tutor do you want to help you?

this is science

Then put "science" in the SCHOOL SUBJECT line/box and MAYBE a science tutor will see it and help you!

you right

To calculate the potential energy before Fred released the weight, we can use the formula: Potential Energy = mass * gravitational acceleration * height.

Since we are not given the mass of the weight, we can assume it is 1 kg since the weight is given in Newtons.

The gravitational acceleration on Earth is approximately 9.8 m/s^2.

The height is given as 10 meters.

Now, let's substitute these values into the formula:

Potential Energy = (1 kg) * (9.8 m/s^2) * (10 m)

Potential Energy = 98 J

Therefore, the correct answer is option a) 400 J is the potential energy before Fred released the weight.