Which of the following would assist toddlers to learn one-to-one correspondence?

A. Number cards to trace
B. Pegs and pegboards
C. Play dough to create letters
D. Old calculators

My answer is b.

Absolutely right.

You are correct! Pegs and pegboards would assist toddlers to learn one-to-one correspondence. By placing one peg in each hole, toddlers can learn the concept of matching one object to one space. This activity helps develop their understanding of one-to-one correspondence, which is an important pre-math skill. Well done!

To determine which of the following options would assist toddlers in learning one-to-one correspondence, let's break down each option and understand how they relate to this concept.

A. Number cards to trace: Number cards can be useful for teaching toddlers to recognize and identify numbers. However, they might not directly assist in understanding one-to-one correspondence, as this concept involves matching each item with a corresponding number, rather than simply tracing or recognizing numbers.

B. Pegs and pegboards: Pegs and pegboards can be an excellent tool for teaching one-to-one correspondence. By placing one peg in each hole on the board, toddlers learn to associate each peg with one hole, thus understanding the concept of one-to-one correspondence. Therefore, this option is a suitable choice.

C. Play dough to create letters: While using play dough to create letters can enhance fine motor skills and letter recognition, it is not directly related to teaching one-to-one correspondence.

D. Old calculators: Old calculators may not effectively support teaching one-to-one correspondence to toddlers. Although calculators involve numbers, they primarily focus on mathematical computations, rather than the concept of pairing each item with a corresponding number.

Based on the analysis above, option B (Pegs and pegboards) is the most suitable choice for assisting toddlers in learning one-to-one correspondence.