Which of the following teachers is providing the children in the classroom the needed opportunity to

develop skills through block building?
A. "I have a small classroom so I rotate the block and dramatic play center since children develop the same skills in both
B. "I have a center that contains unit blocks and props."
C. "I also have a small classroom and so have added Lego bricks and other small building blocks to my manipulative center
rather than having a separate block center."
D. "My room is too small for a block center, and the children don't really like it anyway"

My answer is b.

Yes, B.

You are correct, option B is the most appropriate answer. The teacher with the center that contains unit blocks and props is providing the children in the classroom the needed opportunity to develop skills through block building.

To determine which teacher is providing the children with the needed opportunity to develop skills through block building, let's analyze each option:

A. "I have a small classroom so I rotate the block and dramatic play center since children develop the same skills in both centers."
Explanation: This teacher rotates the block and dramatic play center, indicating that children have the opportunity to develop skills through block building.

B. "I have a center that contains unit blocks and props."
Explanation: This teacher explicitly states having a center with unit blocks and props, which suggests that children can develop skills through block building.

C. "I also have a small classroom and so have added Lego bricks and other small building blocks to my manipulative center rather than having a separate block center."
Explanation: This teacher mentions adding Lego bricks and small building blocks to their manipulative center, indicating that children can still develop block building skills in this alternative setup.

D. "My room is too small for a block center, and the children don't really like it anyway."
Explanation: This teacher dismisses block building due to a small classroom and claims that children don't enjoy it. This option does not provide the children with the needed opportunity to develop block building skills.

Based on the analysis, option B is the correct answer as it explicitly mentions having a center with unit blocks and props, which provides the children with the necessary opportunity to develop skills through block building.