Which statement best explains how life is changing in China?

A. New articulture techniques are making lakes cleaner.

B. People are moving away from cities to live near their hometown.

C. Growing pollution is discouraging the rise of factory work.

D. Strong economy is making average Chinese people wealthier.**


I just took the quickcheck

I agree with D.

Salty boy is correct thxxx

Salty Boi ur right m8

To determine the best statement that explains how life is changing in China, let's carefully analyze each option:

A. New agricultural techniques are making lakes cleaner: This option mentions an improvement in agricultural practices, which can indirectly contribute to the cleanliness of lakes. However, it primarily focuses on the environmental aspect and doesn't provide a comprehensive explanation of how life is changing in China as a whole.

B. People are moving away from cities to live near their hometown: This statement suggests a trend of urban-to-rural migration, with people moving away from cities to live closer to their hometowns. While it reflects a specific aspect of life in China, it does not provide a comprehensive understanding of all the changes taking place.

C. Growing pollution is discouraging the rise of factory work: This statement indicates that the increasing pollution in China is having a deterrent effect on the growth of factory work. It highlights the negative environmental impact and its consequences on employment, but it may not encapsulate the entire picture of life changes in China.

D. Strong economy is making average Chinese people wealthier: This statement acknowledges the role of China's strong economy in improving the wealth of the average Chinese citizen. It suggests an overall positive impact on the standard of living and socio-economic conditions in China, capturing a broader aspect of life changes in the country.

Considering all the options, option D (Strong economy is making average Chinese people wealthier) seems to be the most comprehensive and encompassing statement that explains how life is changing in China.

Ok thanks