the scale of a map is given as 1:20,000 two cities are 5cm apart on the map. find the actual distance between them

To find the actual distance between the two cities, you can use the scale of the map.

The scale of the map is 1:20,000, which means that one unit of measurement on the map represents 20,000 units of measurement in the actual world.

In this case, if two cities are 5cm apart on the map, we can use the scale to find the actual distance between them.

Let's use a simple conversion:

1cm on the map = 20,000cm in the actual world.

So, to find the actual distance, we can set up a proportion:

1cm on the map / 20,000cm in the actual world = 5cm on the map / x cm in the actual world.

Now, we can solve for x:

1cm / 20,000cm = 5cm / x


1 * x = 20,000 * 5

x = 100,000

Therefore, the two cities are 100,000cm apart in the actual world.

To find the actual distance between the two cities on the map, you need to use the scale given. The scale 1:20,000 means that one unit on the map represents 20,000 units in the actual world.

In this case, the distance between the two cities on the map is given as 5 cm. To find the actual distance between them, you can set up the following proportion:

1 unit on the map / 20,000 units in the actual world = 5 cm on the map / x cm in the actual world

Cross-multiplying the proportion, we get:

1 * x cm = 20,000 * 5 cm

Simplifying the equation:

x cm = 100,000 cm

Therefore, the actual distance between the two cities is 100,000 cm.

I assume you mean 1 cm = 20,000 miles.

20,000/1 = x/5

Solve for x.