What line of dialogue best supports the analysis that Benny is unsure of himself?

1) They needed a pitcher, but I'm no good at pitching.
2) Or maybe there's some other talent that you haven't discovered

I think #1


To determine the line of dialogue that best supports the analysis that Benny is unsure of himself, we can examine the content of the two options provided.

In option 1, Benny states, "They needed a pitcher, but I'm no good at pitching." This line indicates Benny's lack of confidence in his pitching abilities and suggests that he doubts his skills in that specific area.

On the other hand, in option 2, Benny states, "Or maybe there's some other talent that you haven't discovered yet?" This line acknowledges the possibility that someone might possess undiscovered talents but does not specifically indicate uncertainty or self-doubt on Benny's part.

Given these considerations, it is correct to assert that option 1, "They needed a pitcher, but I'm no good at pitching," best supports the analysis that Benny is unsure of himself.