Which of the following would best explain why a species of wildflower native to Switzerland is observed growing in the wild in Montana?

Wind dispersed seeds of the wildflower.*
Water dispersed seeds of the wildflower.
A human brought and dispersed the seeds.

Is this right?

Dylan -- how does water carry the seeds from the middle of one continent, across an ocean, and half way across another continent?

Wouldn't the water make the seed fall to the bottom of the ocean or spit apart or caught up somewhere else by the time it got to Montana?

Please yall give me the ansers to the Organisms and Ecosystems Unit Test

I think the answer is C. Which one are you thinking?

I was thinking A because of how wind can carry objects from one place to another... But I guess it could also be B or C. Maybe B?

Oh, sorry, I get it now. Thanks for the help :)

It can't be water.Let's say it's 70% by human and 30% by wind.

You're welcome. :-)

So is the answer b?

i think it is B because how else would it get there cant be water ms. sue said and it cant be wind so ya humans