I can't figure this one out.

Write the decilam equivalent, using the bar notation

Now, here are my choices for answers, and I do not come up with any of them

A. 0.6 (line over .6)
B. 0.16 (line over .6)
C. 0.61 (line over .61)
D. 0.61

7/18 = .3888...

or .38 with a bar over the 8 to show the 8 is repeating

none of your choices match that.
1. you made an error in your typing, or
2. "they" are wrong.

That's what I came up with also.

My instructor seems to have a lot of "mistakes" when giving us multiple choice answers.
I guess I will just show what I got and go from there.

To find the decimal equivalent of a fraction using bar notation, you need to divide the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number) and then indicate the repeating decimal part using a line over the repeating digits.

In this case, you have the fraction 7/18, and you want to find its decimal equivalent with bar notation.

To do this, divide 7 by 18:

7 ÷ 18 = 0.388888...

The bar notation goes over the digits that repeat, which in this case is 8. Therefore, the decimal equivalent of 7/18 with bar notation is:

0.388888... (line over 8)

Looking at the answer choices you provided, none of them match the correct decimal representation. You may need to check the answer choices again, or there may be an error in the question itself.