What is the answer to this analogy:

Rope is to string as string is to ______?

Is rope thicker or thinner than string?

Apply that answer to "string" in the second comparison. What do you think?


To find the answer to this analogy, we need to identify the relationship between "rope" and "string." One common relationship between these two words is that a rope is made up of strands of string. Therefore, we can determine that the missing word in the analogy is "strand."

In order to answer this analogy, we need to understand the relationship between the terms "rope" and "string" in the first part of the analogy. When we think about the characteristics or properties of a rope, we can see that a rope is typically thicker, stronger, and used for various purposes such as climbing or towing. On the other hand, a string is thinner, more delicate, and often used for tying or attaching things together.

Now, if we try to find a term that shares a similar relationship with the word "string," we need to look for a word that is even thinner or more delicate than a string and is used in specific contexts. One possible answer might be "thread." Like a string, a thread is thin and often used for sewing, attaching buttons, or stitching fabric.

To summarize, the answer to this analogy is "thread," considering the relationship between the terms and their respective characteristics.